Fees Due


The Charlottesville

City Market


Welcomes you to its 43rd Season!

All Vendor fees were due March 11th, 2016 .

___x__$ 35.00 Registration Fee

___­­__$ 25.00 Electricity Fee (only available to vendors in rows B&C)

Vendors who had power in previous years have first dibs

Please remember the following things.

All Market vendors will be expected to pay their own sales taxes.

Please make checks payable to: The City of Charlottesville – Charlottesville Markets

Please mail check to:

Charlottesville Markets

Charlottesville Parks & Recreation

P.O. Box 911

Charlottesville VA 22902

You may also pay this by credit or debit card by calling 434-970-3260. Please be sure to supply your name as well as your space number when using this option.

For online payments https://cvilleparksandrec.formstack.com/forms/cm_payment

All Vendors will be in your space set up and ready to sell at least 15 minutes before the market is scheduled to open. Traffic is not permitted after this time.

Vendors should always treat fellow vendors, market staff and customers in a respectful manner.


  1. Anderegg-Maloy

Stephanie Anderegg-Maloy

City of Charlottesville – Parks & Recreation

City Market Master

434-970-3371 phone

434-989-9385 cell phone
